ORBIT TaskControl

  1. Domů
  2. Dokumentace
  3. ORBIT TaskControl
  4. Mobile Client
  5. Registration


Registration of the mobile application is a very easy process.

Mobile application can be used only if TaskControl instance is published in order to be reachable from smartphone via internet or enterprise VPN.


Getting registration data

Start in the web client in menu Settings/Mobile registration.

Press button New Registration.

It will generate a message with temporary registration data.

Keep the window open.

Registration data can be used only for 60 minutes and then they expire.


Registering TaskControl Mobile

Open TaskControl application on your smartphone. If it has not been registered before, you will get a registration screen (otherwise follow here).

Insert URL and PIN from web client registration window.

Click Register button to finish the process of linking mobile application to TaskControl instance and a specific user.

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